I wanted to create a safe space for men who crave to be touched, in the comfort of their own home. My massages are completely about you, where you can let go and relax. With the Lingam Massage, I carefully arouse your sexual energies and distribute them throughout your body using gentle strokes. Ejaculation is not the main aim of this massage but experiencing new aspects of physical contact and giving oneself without having to act, without pressure to perform or expectations.
Ancient people have viewed the lingam as an important part of the body that require as much touch, care and love as all the other parts. Lingam massage is inspired by old Taoist teachings. It is one of the deepest internal experiences a man can have, simultaneously healing and energising.
Tantric massage can help with stress, intimacy, self-awareness, and sexual well-being. It can also help people explore their sexual energy and connect more with themselves.
Tantric massage uses slow breathing, and a mindful touch to help you center yourself in the present moment.
I will bring and work on a special massage mat which is the size of a small single bed. Choose a suitable room, either the living room or your bedroom. The temperature of the room should be warmer than usual as you will be naked throughout the massage. Please have a thorough wash just before I arrive, including your feet. You are welcome to put on candles and incense of your choosing. I prefer to work with dimmed lighting to create a deeply relaxing atmosphere.